Supported accommodation
with 24 hour staffing.
We provide housing and support services to young people who are preparing to live independently as adults. We make certain that everyone has the opportunity to grow, learn, and develop, allowing them to reach their full potential. As a result, we place a high value on a person-centered, multidisciplinary approach to service delivery in collaboration with all stakeholders; and, where appropriate, we encourage young people to continue their education, seek employment, and develop positive social networks.
Each individual is encouraged to acquire necessary life skills to support themselves in their accommodation.
If necessary, we accompany individuals to appointments or other events where assistance is required. As individuals gain confidence and ability, our team assists them in taking more control and responsibility for their own lives.
We acknowledge that everyone is unique. So, before we start our service, we will spend time learning about individual needs, wishes and feelings.
- Preferred modes of communication
- Recognise individual needs, feelings, and desires
- Personal preferences and dislikes
- Personal values
If necessary, we accompany individuals to appointments or other events where assistance is required. As individuals gain confidence and ability, our team assists them in taking more control and responsibility for their own lives.
We acknowledge that everyone is unique. So, before we start our service, we will spend time learning about individual needs, wishes and feelings.