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Residential childrens home that promotes independence and self-esteem

We Care 360 Children’s Home will provide residential care and support for Children and Young People who are not able to continue living in their current environment for a number of different reasons. The Children and Young People are ‘Looked After Children’ and are referred to We Care 360 by the placing local authority.
Prior to placement the home will undertake Impact risk assessments and ensure that the needs of the referred child and those of other children in placement can be met safely before admission is agreed. The Children/Young People who will be accommodated at WeCare 360 will present with variety of complexities and needs.

We Care 360 work closely with social services, healthcare professionals, and educational institutions to provide a comprehensive support system for all children that come into our care. Our ultimate goal is to create a stable and supportive living environment that promotes the children’s growth, resilience, and eventual transition to more permanent living arrangements, whether through reunification with their families or alternative longterm care solutions.
The regulatory oversight ensures that our home follows ethical practices, prioritises the best interests of the child, and contribute positively to their overall development.